Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pacing Card

We have started to try something new and it is exciting to be able to work with Peanut successfully on sentences instead of just words. When I ask him to say "Go to school" he will usually reply " Doe school" but yesterday he started saying "Go" with the hard g really well so I tried the sentence again and got "Go school". Then I pulled out the pacing card and pointed a black square for each word. "Go...To...School". Then tries it and points to a square for each word. As he does this he gets each word even if there is a pause between words. We did this for as long as he was interested. About 20 minutes later I asked him to say "Go to school" without the pacing card and he replied easily "Go to school". I only got all 3 words one time but I got it!! Success!

Here is what our pacing card looks like. Who knew that something so simple would be able to help him.

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