Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th - SLP

Peanut is having difficulty transitioning from nasal sounds to a closed soft palate sound and he is still having a lot of trouble starting words with tongue tip sounds. Top becomes bop and tap becomes bap. But if we "tap it out" by hitting our legs or the table to the different sounds he becomes much more adept at joining these sounds. So we are going to be tapping out just about everything that he can't say and my hope is that this will be something that his teacher can fall back on at pre-school if she doesn't understand what he is saying. Maybe asking him to "tap it out" will give her the sounds that she needs to piece together what he needs. We are also focusing on those generic statements like "I want" and "I need" and "One more" so that he can fall back on these when trying to talk to people who don't understand him.

Progress - he is putting so many two word sentences together on his own that we are really trying to push him to get 3 words now. He is very good and clear on the ritual sentences like "Night Night, love you Mama" 5 words that are clear and beautiful to my ears because they are part of his routine. We just have to get more and more words into his routine like this to help him grow.

Next up - working on "w" rounding sound in "want" and "whoops", keep "tapping it out" and get the "g" sound in "go" and "gone".


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