Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Speech Therapy - 9/5

Peanut continues to make astounding leaps and bounds in his speech. He is fixing his words well using mostly visual cues and his pacing card to help clarify words and sentences. He is delighted in how much more people understand him and so he spends a lot of his time telling and retelling stories.

Things we are working on this week:
-keeping prepositions in place. Peanut tends to drop the prepositions in a sentence knowing that he can be understood with nouns and verbs. We are using his pacing card to get those prepositions back in his sentences.

-who, what, where, why. Peanut continues to use voice inflection and body language to ask questions. We are working on using the words "what" and "where" and "why" because they are generic words that can be used often and will help him while in his school environment.

- getting the "t" sound and hard "c" sound at the beginning of the word. Table is bable and come is pronounced dumb. He can say it with the pacing card or if we break it down to two words so just giving him as much practice as we can so that his muscle memory will kick in.

We only have one more speech therapy session before school starts. This will bring some relief because I won't have to deflect and defend our precious speech time from an over-eager talking big brother but it also brings some anxiety about how Peanut will be in the classroom without me to interpret for him. We are hoping he continues to speak up and doesn't revert to silence in a new environment. Which ever way it goes, we will be there for our little hero.

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